Wednesday, 6 March 2019

New Moon Manifestations

Hiya guys I hope you're all well?

Today I started a New Moon manifestation for the first time. I'm really excited to see how it turns out.

These were the instructions I found on Pinterest (basically one of my main Wicca teachers at the moment!).

1. Write your hopes, dreams and desires down on a piece of paper. Include as much detail as possible.

2. Read these outside to the New Moon.

3. Thank the universe and moon for listening.

4. Keep the paper in a safe place and repeat this nightly until the full moon.

5. On the night of the full moon read these aloud one more time before burning the paper.

Admittedly I mumbled my list to the moon and universe as I still find talking out loud to the universe and God and Goddess a little uncomfortable as I don't like the sound of my own voice. A lot of my communication is done in my head. My talking did however manifest Esme, my rabbit, who started doing laps of her run to hurry me up with her dinner!

I've placed my piece of paper in the centre of my alter to give it more 'charge'.

I'll let you know at the full moon how my manifestations are coming along. Have a good Wednesday.

Blessed be


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