Thursday, 28 February 2019

Introduction To My Muddling

Hello lovely people and welcome to my blog all about muddling through the world of witchcraft as a newbie witch.

I wanted to start this ‘sister blog’ to my normal Stitches, Beads & Rock N Roll blog  with it’s various ramblings and document my journey learning about the art of witchcraft and hopefully make some friends along the way ☺ 

In witch (sorry) case I’d better be polite and introduce myself! My name is Jen and I’m a 31 year old Newbie witch living in Sunny (allegedly) Sussex on the south coast of the UK. I’m firmly under the paw of a 10 year old grumpy rabbit called Esme, I’m a massive plane and music geek and a (very) amateur photographer. I also suffer from a lovely cocktail of Borderline Personality Disorder with a dash of OCD. 

I guess Wicca and witchcraft first came onto my radar way back when I was at school, a classmate was complaining in an RE lesson that Wicca wasn’t covered and curious I asked her about it. I naturally ended up with a copy Teen Witch by Silver Ravenwolf. It dropped back off my radar once I’d left college but there was always a ‘something’ there at the back of my mind waiting to be heard.

It was the summer just gone that I felt the urge to explore crystals and learn about tarot cards. I started analyzing how each card made me feel and it’s connotations and compared it to the guide book I had and the impressions I gained from the cards mostly matched up to their ‘correct’ meaning. I particularly connected with the three of cups as it felt like such a joyful card. In fact the first time I attempted a tarot reading for myself last month it was the first card I drew!

I love this card

With the crystals I wanted to find stones that would help with specific problems I had like anxiety, mood imbalance and PMT so ended up buying Quartz, Amethyst and Malachite. I now have quite the collection, I tend to look over crystals in shops and see which stone/s I feel drawn to. I seem to pick up a lot of creativity and psychic energy related stones at the moment – Tiger Eye, Carnelian and Azurite to name a few. I imagine these relate to the learning I’m doing with the cards, runes and my Book Of Shadows.

I finally accepted my ‘calling’, sorry for the clunky cliché but I really can’t think of any other way to describe it, after a trip to Stratford-Upon-Avon last Autumn and visiting Magic Alley There was such a great vibe in there and I ended up with books, crystals and a dowsing pendulum (Tiger Eye again!) that I seem to be able to encourage to swing quite dramatically! I came out of the shop feeling such great vibes, obviously something clicked then and I’ve been studying ever since.
It's that Tiger Eye again!

Since beginning my journey I've started noticing far more about the world around me. Usually I hate winter and spend the dark months depressed and longing for summer but now I'm trying to follow the advice of Wicca and use the dark months to sow the seeds for my intentions for the year ahead. When I walk to work in the morning I've been noticing the dawn appearing earlier and earlier each day.

Not a bad way to start the day!

I've also set up a small alter in my room, I love that alters can be personalised and changed whenever we like. I'm looking forward to decorating it to correspond to the celebrations through the year, naturally it'll be completely OTT for Samhain (Halloween) my favorite day of the year! 

At the moment my alter has cross-stitched God & Goddess symbols, a cross-stitched pentagram, the candle holder at the back reminds me of sunrays, there are also some stones and crystals, my Book Of Shadows (BOS) and centre stage are my gratitudes for the last lunar cycle. 
I think my favourite thing so far has been that, much like my alter, Wicca is a religion where within reason you can follow your own path and truly make it your own. For example at the last full moon rather than doing a formal ritual I lit candles at my alter and talked to the god and goddess and thanked them for the blessings they had brought over the last lunar cycle, a previous full moon saw me burning a piece of paper with a list of things I wanted to leave behind and blowing the ashes out into the wind. It's a life-long learning process and needs patience and hard work. 

I’ve pretty much been trying to read as many books, watch as many YouTube videos and read as many articles as witchily possible. I'd really love to hear your recommendations for books, channels, social media accounts that you guys like.  

These are a few of my favourite witchy accounts and some books I've found really helpful, interesting and informative. 

Books -

This is a great starter book,
It's detailed without being OTT
and is written with humour.

I have these books from Lisa Chamberlain
her books are great for a simple introduction
to magical subjects.

As a witch with pretty severe mental health problems
I brought this book by Lisa Marie Basile.
It's the book equivalent of a cuppa and a hug.

YouTube -

Instagram/Twitter -

I also absolutely love MoonChild spiritual emporium for witchy supplies. I've recently ordered some Ostara candles and a beautiful candle holder from them. 

Hopefully you've made it to the end of my blog without being bored silly. I'd really love to hear any of your recommendations or advice on witchy matters, you can chat to me on my Instagam or Twitter

Blessed be


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